Checked out the example and its very clever! You should also add support for ListLayouts as that would be super helpful.
Working on an inventory system, might use this for my hotbar.
Showing a video of the features in action would be amazing.
A video and support for lists would be great.
As mentioned above, it might be better to showcase a GIF or a video.
i will make that later on after i am done with this, listlayouts should be simpler, since they are only 1d. And don’t forget you can make the FillDirectionMaxCells 1, and in that case, you alos have a uilistlayout! But remember the offset is always the same, so each object should be the same size.
Edit: UiListLayouts ARE NOT simpler
It will be worth it lol
Godspeed and good luck!
Yeah i kinda realized that uilidtlayouts are really confusing, they are like littely almost the same as a gridlayout, the uilistlayout also has a property called wrap. That makes it act kinda like and uigridlayout. But even if i made this listlayout, the listlayout should only be used if the objects are not all thr same size (hover animations excluded). If they are the same size, just use the uiGridLayout one, since thr listlayout is unnececary. Also listlayouts have an invisible property called horizontal- and verticalpadding? Like the wiki does ot sah anhthjng about it, but you cnnot manualy change either of those. (But you will with my module). Also planning on mizing some properties from grid with list and the other way around mabytoo since these can be improved easily.
I just have to code them first i almost have the code writtin but it doesnt as expected, so it will hopefully be ready in like 3 to 4 days.
edit: i am sorry for this terrible writing, it was written on my phone.
UiListLayout delayed and might be discontinued
There are a few problems i could not find the solutions for, so idecided to leave it as is for now, and release it later when i want to continue this.
Also from my experience, even if i released UiListLayout support, i do not recommend it to use unless:
- The objects are all different sizes
- you need the fill property
What the module needs for realease is still:
- Add Uiflexitem support into it
- Add support for strech and align preoperties (i have no clue how they work)
- fix some bugs
I would want to make this module, but i feel like i don’t get enough out of it. Probably nobody will use this, including me. It was fun foor thinking logically, but i will not add uilistlayout support unless someone wants to do it themselves (i can send you the code that i made, currently around 800 lines).
The main module will still be supported and could get occasionally updated
Thank you for reading.
Hey, you should make a repository of this resource on your github so we can fork it and help improve your module and fix some bugs. We could also directly create issues…
good idea but if i am honest i am not really planning to update this anymore its more like a fun thing i made in like 2 days or so.
I might say its discontinued so people know.
Update: nevermind i will work on this later but i have to delay it for a while. I am also immediately going to look into this: New UIListLayout Flex Features [Beta]
I’ll also add a github repository then. I’ll also rewrite this devforum post and use a custom website to host the docs via github if thats free.
Can you make this account for objects in the grid with .Visible set to false?
yeah, well i originally gave up updating the module cause it was a lot more work then expected (tried to add list layout support, which is much harder then a grid layout), and I don’t really feel like working on this project if nobody actually uses it (havent seen any implementation yet). I’ll probably work a bit on this module in the weekend (if i don’t forget) and then i’ll add the functionality.
Added the feature you requested!
took a while lol but i did not forget so i added a github!
Currently working on something simillar just with UIListLayout, its working nice so far
Well done, however that is not a real uilistlayout but a recreation which is sad to see. Would have been better if it was working the exact same as a real uilistlayout. (as the properties are not the same and it doesn’t have wrap property) It also does not support changing anchorpoints.
Also why is bro promoting himself in my resource
Sorry i didnt really mean to promote myself u just said here that u quit working on the UIListLayout implementation so i thought some people wanted something like that
I’ll finish it one day. seeing you posted this actually wanted me to finish it. But i’ll see.