AI Field Of View

Yeah thats pretty much all i need to know at this point

He should have it so that all the ai’s be controlled by one main script that spawns/despawns/ manage attacks for the ai so you dont need to run so many loops per ai

good idea. Ill test if my script works and if it do i might do this thanks.

Incase anyone else want this

Its a “Script” Not a localScript

local Run = game:GetService("RunService")

local AI = script.Parent

	for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
		local char = v.Character or workspace:WaitForChild(v.Name)
		local npcToCharacter = (char.Head.Position - AI.Head.Position).Unit
		local AIlook = AI.Head.CFrame.LookVector
		local dotProduct = npcToCharacter:Dot(AIlook)
		if dotProduct > .5 then
			print("play is in FOV")
			print("play is not in FOV")

Basicly checks if the Player is in the AI’s FOV


Heres a video of how the AI works currently The code for it is above

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