AIB🤖 VERSION ✌️ (v2.4.1 PLUGIN⛏️) AI Chat Bot [⏬140+]

Just because they went to the download page does not mean they actually bought the plugin. I have gone to the download page once to check the rating along with the price of the plugin. Yet, I still have not purchased this plugin.

Just a thought,

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Was mainly referring to the download count of the topic’s title.

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Oh! (He could be lying but who knows) The title was so engulfed in unnecessary words and emojis it was hard to tell what that was (I am using IOS so the emoji might look a little different.)

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Great plugin! 5 stars! :star::star::star::star::star:


This looks cool. I am looking forward to using it.


I’m going to be completely honest here, to the one’s giving feedback, it’s alright to give feedback, but not almost insult people or fight.

But here’s my opinion on Aib, Personally, I would not use it because there is a free yet better version. But it’s a cool project. I’m just saying it’s dumb to spend money on this when not many people will use it because they could use better. But great job on the remix, have a great day.


I think it’s ChatGPT

though appreciate the criticism

(the OP does make bad resources but im gonna hide that from him)

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no please dont release i dont want to be replaced :sob:

this is a joke dont take it seriously

Why choose this over just opening a new tab and loading the chatgpt site? Its free and you dont need a key so does your plugin offer something unique?

Its a great way to needlessly burn money, it is completely pointless.

I have a feeling this is gonna be a WHYI_MFAT hardcode based on all the emojis in the name of this.

Okay I get that some of y’all are saying stuff cuz of his old posts.

But this dude legit has made some pretty cool stuff. He’s taking more criticism and the anti cheat is getting better and better.

eh not really

the hell is the difference beteeen flying and horizontal flying

“Shyeet” I don’t know. But the main point is that he’s actually doing good (pls collab WHYI_MFAT)

Is there going to be GPT 4 API support? Probably not, but this one is discounted like this one:

Everything being hardcoded and making some existing features complicated and claiming that it is new.


They say that regardless if they do or don’t take the post down. They did agree with you this one time tho

Kinda funny how you misspelled hypocrite

Yeah, it is. That’s the joke I made.

sorry but the title was a flashbang to my brain

how hard is it to do stuff yourself
appreciate the effort tho