Algorithm is extremely unstable right now

I and everyone I have spoken to about this agree. Continue needs to remain at the top.

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Noticed this, Iā€™m guessing it has something to do with the new tiles.

It would be nice if the algorithm didnā€™t change every other month. Itā€™s seriously annoying.


From what myself and many others have noticed, the algorithm is trying to give more presence to smaller and new games. I respect this idea, but apparently the execution was terrible. Many games Iā€™m a part of are seeing wild algo fluctuations, experiencing as much as -30% in total impressions, as well as some record lows in CCU. This change needs to be reverted, or ironed out so larger games arenā€™t punished.


Iā€™ve seen a drastic decrease in players in a game Iā€™m managing, not even a top 500 game on this platform, not even top 2000 in monetization, and would not be considered a ā€œbigā€ game as of that time. We were on the upwards trajectory until they changed the home page on April 8. But this was more surprising to see on the recommended page.

This is a game that has not been updated in over five years. The group behind this game is locked. No developer is making any profit from this. And yet the algorithm is pushing it when it should have been thrown out ages ago.

When you join the game you see F2P kids that are in the game for one minute before leaving. It looks like it was put together in one day and released. The rafts in the waterslide are half broken and it is getting many dislikes since last week. Definitely should be reverted at this point, games like this should not be the future of Roblox.


Responding to second this, my retentionā€™s absolutely tanked since these changes went into effect. All week Iā€™d assumed the issue was a result of a shop glitch that went overlooked for a couple weeks, but after seeing so many other people complaining about the same thing Iā€™m not convinced my struggles are my fault anymore.


That just looks like the typical Monday nosedive, which all games experience to be honest

I wouldnā€™t have said anything if it were typical. I check my stats religiously, a nosedive to this low is far from typical. The game usually only hits sub-1k like this latee, like in the AMs, now itā€™s hitting it mid-day.



Nevermind, roblox definitely did a shadow update to the algorithm in this case. Can affirm that right now thereā€™s an algorithmic change that has tremendously affected certain genres.


Starting around April 10, Speed Run 4ā€™s Home Recommendation dropped to about 1/5th its normal, which seems to be heavily suppressing our gameā€™s player count during our new update. We just dropped a year-in-the-making update 3 days ago and have been heavily advertising. We were expecting a decent amount of attention but instead it feels as if our game is being held back by that big home recommendation drop.


Dragon Ball Rage has had the same issue, starting April 8th, our recommendation rate has tanked by 50%

I contacted DevRel and they said its under ā€œinternal reviewā€ but that was almost 2 weeks ago.


Noticed that you updated this post to say it was fixed. Last week our experience also recovered, so we thought it was better. This week started out really poor, then Wednesday morning we had a CCU spike, now today is TERRIBLE.


Same thing happened here, wondering if they are testing with it to measure the impact.

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Iā€™m actually experiencing a completely different issue with regards to new games, in that in the 12 days Iā€™ve released Iā€™m getting close to 0 push from algorithm despite being within or above the benchmarks for every single stat.

In what world does this make any sense?

What is going on with the algorithm? These changes are dangerous to any business operating on Roblox, how come this is treated so disrespectfully? An experience thatā€™s been operating smoothly for years suddenly on the brink of disaster despite continuously improving its statistics every month.

Iā€™m honestly at the point where I donā€™t know what else to do. It feels like all the talks about the algorithm being unstable are falling on deaf ears. Weā€™ve had no proper response on this matter other than a sugar-coated ā€œwe wonā€™t do anything about itā€ a few months ago, which to be honest, is not really acceptable.

Weā€™re at our lowest new user impressions since a YEAR ago, despite currently having the best stats on all benchmarks that weā€™ve had since release. (D1 retention, D7 retention, session time, CVR, ARPPU, etc.)

Robloxā€™s CCU does not appear to justify this drastic drop in new user impressions.


This is seriously unacceptable. Itā€™s extremely disturbing how little of a response is here. Making developers question their stability on the platform seems like it would be subpar for business.


I was steadily improving and growing my game until the new algorithm update. It seemed to temporarily push my game more, only to then give me a huge drop off in impressions lower than prior to the update.

Same here, retention cut in half and playtime drop.



Game tanks every update despite generally receiving good reviews and increasing retention and monetization with events.


Another one of our games that we do not update has grown like never before, even though every single stat is lower than our main project.

We are seeing the lowest numbers ever on Resort Tycoon 2 even though players love the game (great session time and rating), itā€™s within or above most stat benchmarks, it makes good money (when it has players), and we consistently add well-received content.

Below are stats from the game (Zombie Tycoon) that is being pushed

To us, these stats do not display a reason for any increase in growth like itā€™s been seeing. Why is it being recommended on Home so much more, even though we have not updated it, and none of the stats have changed?

Despite being better than every single one of these stats above, in any of the analytics tabs, Resort Tycoon 2 is down 20% on Plays per source, down 30% on impressions, down 15% CCU.