function, driver, model)
local self = setmetatable({}, Car)
self.Position = position
self.Driver = driver
self.Model = model
return self
This is the least ambiguous version IMO albeit admittedly it does look redudant compared to yours.
-- Define Class Attributes
Car = {
Position = nil;
Driver = nil;
Model = nil;
Speed = nil
-- Define Class Methods
function Car:Boost()
self.Speed = self.Speed + 5
-- Define Class Constructor
local newcar = tbl or {}
setmetatable(newcar, Car)
Car.__index = Car
return newcar
local PlayerModule = {}
PlayerModule.__index = PlayerModule
-- Constructer function to create a new character
local newCharacter = {}
setmetatable(newCharacter, PlayerModule)
newCharacter.Name = character.Name
newCharacter.Stamina = 100
newCharacter.BonusHealth = 0
table.insert(characters, newCharacter)
return newCharacter
return PlayerModule
How would I get the newCharacter that I created without doing .new() every time. I thought of making a table and inserting the newCharacter into that table to get it that way. Am I missing something about OOP here?
So my solution is now this:
local PlayerModule = {}
PlayerModule.__index = PlayerModule
local characters = {}
-- Constructer function to create a new character
local newCharacter = {}
setmetatable(newCharacter, PlayerModule)
newCharacter.Name = character.Name
newCharacter.Stamina = 100
newCharacter.BonusHealth = 0
table.insert(characters, newCharacter)
return newCharacter
-- get the character
function PlayerModule:GetCharacter(name)
for i, v in pairs(characters) do
if v.Name == name then
return v
return PlayerModule
The character you make is returned from the function call.
local playerModule = require("PlayerModule")
local myChar =
After that, you use myChar to refer to the made character from then on, using .new again will make a separate character; resulting in the resetting of values.
Your solution would allow you to create a player in one script and then find a reference to it from a separate script. This is quite useful if you have things broken apart into multiple scripts;
As far as keeping track of a data structure after you make it, poking it into a table or variable is pretty much your only option. The question is where, if the creation is triggered in the same script as all other uses, you can just keep it with the rest of your code.
Your solution has it in the module to be reference along with creation which works well with keeping everything player related together.
Alternatively, you could create a singleton module script to hold object references.
self is equal to Car. We can rewrite that code as follows: function Car.Boost() Car.Speed = Car.Speed + 5 end
self is just syntax sugar. But remember that you have to use a colon if you want to use self. Otherwise - if you use a dot and not a colon - self will be equal to nil.
Is there some way I can get type hinting from Roblox-LSP using the example?
--module script called Car in game.ReplicatedStorage
Car = {}
Car.__index = Car
function, driver, model)
local newcar = {}
setmetatable(newcar, Car)
newcar.Position = position
newcar.Driver = driver
newcar.Model = model
return newcar
function Car:Boost()
self.Speed = self.Speed + 5
return Car
--main script
Car = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Car)
carLot: {Car} = {}
-- as before
The last line, carLot {Car} = {}, gives my Roblox-LSP extension cause to complain:
Undefined type Car.Roblox LSP Diagnostics.(undefined-type)
type carlot = {typeof(} -- Note: A car object is not constructed during type definition
-- It's easier than manually doing:
-- ^usually
-- type carlot = {
-- [number]:{
-- Position:Vector3,
-- Driver:Player?,
-- Model:Model,
-- };
-- }
-- Note: 'typeof' really only properly evaluates value types if you define the types somewhere along the line (ie: parameters and or return value(s), etc..)
local Carlot:carlot = {}
i’ve always considered myself intermediate but after going down this rabbithole i realized how much of a beginner i am,but i managed to grasp how these custom ‘classes’ can be used:
lets say we want to create candy,instead of having to go through every detail everytime we want to create a new one,we could create a candy class,meaning by just using ',size) we could create a piece of candy
,now lets say we want to create a lollipop for example,now lollipop is basically candy except it has more properties,it has a taste,and size,but it also has special properties such as the length of the lollipop stick for example,so we could add those functions into the ‘LollipopMaker’ module, that, by my opinion, saves A LOT of time
I discovered this thread a while back but come back to it now and again to remind myself/correct myself on what I’m doing but this thread has been incredibly helpful in metatables and I’ve even implemented it into my projects. Great resource
I’ve actually written a module that I might open-source later that actually makes implementing OOP very easy including inheritance.
Calling module:class(your_table_here) automatically assigns it a :new() function for making instances and a :init() function that gets called every time you make a new object for setting initial values.
All these functions can be overwritten if desired.
Calling module:class(table1, table2) for instance will turn table1 into a class that inherits from table2.
Using bindable events, other scripts can communicate with classes without having to require() them or know of their existence, should all be relatively memory safe too.
Your tutorial is nice and I hope more people will utilize OOP, it’s unfortunate Lua doesn’t just have classes like C++, C# and Java.
Using metatables still feels a bit hacky an unofficial.
They’re also slower and less efficient than native OOP implementations.
Unfortunately tables use more memory than objects.
Great tutorial, very clear and concise, however I would go over metatables for new people more in depth, as it’s a essential aspect of replicating oop within luau