All materials (And many textures and decals) VERY blurry on 2 GB ram mobile devices, even in a BASEPLATE game

Every game has very blurry materials (as well as many textures and decals) on 2 GB ram mobile devices. This happens on iOS but I’m not sure about Android.

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Go to any game (Even a baseplate) on a mobile iOS device with 2 GB of ram.
  2. Look at different materials (Grass, Cobblestone, Fabric, etc), textures and decals.
  3. Notice they are blurry.

When this started happening:
About November 2024.

Here is a picture of it from my iPhone SE 1st gen on iOS 15.8.3:

Repro Place File:
repro.rbxl (54.2 KB)


I thought my graphics driver was suddenly bugged, i used to have full resolution before, like before FiB for android full release

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Not a bug, they become blurry due to performance reasons.

No, it is a bug. The game is running at full 60 FPS on the device. All materials, textures and decals showed perfectly fine and clear before November of 2024. I have no apps running in the background, with plenty of storage left. Yes I’ve seen this type of thing happen when it gets low performance but this is not what is happening, this happens even when running at FULL 60 FPS in a literal template baseplate.

What device did you try it on? This bug seems to only be happening for 2 GB ram mobile devices.

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I think this is intentional because they are trying to preserve memory for the game and account for iOS at the same time.

Nope. I still think this is a bug. I’ve been playing Roblox on my 2 GB ram devices for years (2017) and it’s been perfectly fine until November 2024. It seems to perform the exact same as it did before this started happening. Now just all the materials, textures and decals are at an extremely low quality. Look at this screenshot from a game, I can’t even play the game properly now:

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Have you double checked that your graphics aren’t on auto?

Yes, the graphics are on “Manual”. This happens on the maximum graphics(10) and the minimum graphics(1). It has never been this blurry before, not even on the lowest graphics, in a baseplate game with only 6 parts, and with nothing running in the background.

Maximum graphics:

Minimum graphics:


This bug is still happening.

Also, this bug does not seem to happen for surfaces (Like studs, weld, inlet, etc), they are perfectly clear and high quality. Here is a picture from my iPad 5th gen: