Allow players to save and load settings using DataStore

I’m trying to build an experience where players can configure cars.

  • Default config: when they first join, a default car config is loaded for them
  • Customizing: players can change attributes like color, name, description
  • Saving: Players can save their car config
  • Listing: Players can see a list of their saved configs
  • Loading: Players can load a config which will be applied to their car

Sample config is a table like this:

--- Car Config Psuedo-Code
local settings = {
	name = "Car 1",
	nameKey = "Car1",
	description = "Your default car",
	colors = {
		["Back"] =, 0.25098, 1),
		["Right"] =, 0.25098, 1),
		["Left"] =, 0.25098, 1),
		["Top"] =, 0.25098, 1),

I am completely lost on the best approach to saving and loading this kind of configuration data to the server. Specifically, how to trigger the save/load from the client side.

What I’ve tried:

  • Basic DataStore tutorials - can save and load individual attributes like “Player Gold” but only on player connect and player leave. Need to be able to have the player manually trigger saves / list / load.
  • Remote Events tutorials - Can’t figure out how to send and receive more complex data payloads (cobfigs or list of configs)

I’m not looking for script or full solutions, but if you can provide pointers to helpful approaches, methodologies, or dev docs it would be much appreciated, thank you!

I don’t completely understand what you’re saying, so bear with me.

I use ProfileService for most of my games, so that is what I’ll be using.

  • Default config: when they first join, a default car config is loaded for them
    In ProfileService, you can set a template for the player’s data if the player is brand new.
local ProfileTemplate = {
    Cars = {{
	name = "Car 1",
	nameKey = "Car1",
	description = "Your default car",
	colors = {
		["Back"] =, 0.25098, 1),
		["Right"] =, 0.25098, 1),
		["Left"] =, 0.25098, 1),
		["Top"] =, 0.25098, 1),
local ProfileStore = ProfileService.GetProfileStore(
-- etc, etc...
  • Customizing: players can change attributes like color, name, description
    Using a RemoteFunction, you can do this!
local Remote = game:GetService("ReplicatedService"):WaitForChild("CustomizeCar")
-- ... do whatever like clicking a button, etc.
	Remote:InvokeServer("Car1", {
			["Back"] =, 1, 1),
			["Right"] =, 0, 1),
			["Left"] =, 1, 1),
			["Top"] =, 1, 1),


local Data = require(PATH) --Custom path to a modulescript that retrieves the player's data
local Remote = game:GetService("ReplicatedService"):WaitForChild("CustomizeCar")

Remote.OnServerInvoke = function(Player, nameKey, colors)
	-- ... do checks like seeing if they own the car
	local Profile = Data:Get(Player)
	if not Profile then
		return false
	local car
	for _, v in pairs(Profile.Data.Cars) do
		if v.nameKey == nameKey then
			car = v
	car.colors = colors
	return true
  • Saving: Players can save their car config
    You can follow a tutorial on this, like the ProfileService setup tutorial. It’s pretty simple.
  • Listing: Players can see a list of their saved configs
    You can do this by basically doing the same thing as you did by customizing.
    Client fires remotefunction to get all their cars → server returns every car the player owns → client takes that information and lists it in ui.
  • Loading: Players can load a config which will be applied to their car
    Same with saving.

I apologize if this wasn’t what you were looking for!

What do you mean by this?


Much appreciated. I was hestiant to post because I wanted to clearly explain the challenge. I looked at some of the module (Like ProfileService) but couldn’t quite undertstand the usage. I’ll check out your examples and try an implementation test, thank you.

Regarding your last question: Many of the examples I’ve tried involve binding to playerConnet or PlayerLeaving from server side, which doesn’t allow for client initiated saving of configs or loading configs.


Just wanted to say thanks. Many hours later, I have some working tests and a handle on what to do. In the end, it was the remote functions that I was looking for, but implementing the ProfileService made it much easier to manage and more robust.


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