Can we have the drop downs back, plugins with a good bit of buttons can end up taking the entire toolbar, example being NWSpacek’s coaster plugin, or Stravant’s Resize Align plugin and its family use one main base, with each plugin making its own button, having them bunch up was great
Along with, the 3 dots on the far right do not have a scroll list, so i lose the ability to see most of my plugins i have added, i understand this is a beta but I do hope this doesnt sneak through especially, perhaps a proper way of the little arrows we have in the old ui, that doesnt break randomly.
We are brainstorming ways to support something like this which I would call “macros” — Studio Assistant kind of introduced this capability (effectively writing code that can run in the Command Bar) and we think one thing we could do is a nice “make this a button/tool” that can be added to a toolbar or menu.
I think the difference between that and plugins is if you need any specialized UI. But all just concepts/ideas right now.
@MeshOfPaul Can we see File menu items re-arranged under the app title on macOS? Right now, what should be global menu items, like Studio Settings, Customize Shortcuts, Beta Features, and Open Auto Saves are found in the File menu.
However, they should be under the Roblox Studio menu. This is the standard for macOS apps and I’m constantly finding myself clicking on Roblox Studio to reach the settings and then forgetting there’s nothing useful in that menu.
I’m assuming the reason this was done is because you don’t have an equivalent section on the Windows “menu bar”, but maybe one could be added, assuming you have control over that UI?
Yeah we have some compromises here due to being cross platform (and legacy of only having a File menu for so long). But we do have some flexibility so I’ll pass this along to our designers.
This is very exciting. I remember wanting something like this to create a scripting tab specifically for a visual scripting plugin that I wanted to work on in the past. But will we eventually be able to add custom right-click context options and/or replace native ones?
Normally we double-click a script to open it or right-click, but it would be nice if plugins could add their own context and either change the default or allow the user to change it how they wish. The reason I mention plugins being able to change the default is because, in the context of a visual script editor, perhaps it would be helpful if it only swapped the default for compatible scripts but left incompatible scripts with the normal default. Though adding right-click context alone would already help. I’d rather not have to open two scripting-related tabs for one script.
Our plan is to revisit plugin workflow and capabilities later next year. A part of that is thinking through what parts of the UI we can provide API/hooks for including menus and context menu. Another angle would be allowing the end user customize their menus like we’re doing here with tabs. So a plugin could expose one or more menu options and the user could be asked if they want to activate them now or later.
So yeah… certainly possible! But our near term focus is getting the Next Gen UI whipped into shape and out of Beta before next summer.
I think there are several steps in the right direction in this update, but I cant help but find the new top bar extremely clunky. The point of the top bar is to be functional, not aesthetically pleasing. This rearrangement is especially noticeable on smaller screens.
Here are the issues I take with it:
The new tabs, home, model. avatar, etc are significantly thicker than they previously were, and they have been shifted down to make space for buttons that were never previously needed.
The new menu is significantly thicker when opened.
The new menu does not automatically collapse when I am finished with it.
There is less information in a larger space, which is a step in the wrong direction IMO.
Roblox studio is a development program. It doesn’t have to look streamlined, my main issue is the new level of context menus. I really think that the new top bar is unnecessary and takes up more screen space than it has to, it’s pretty but it simply isn’t functional. Please take this into consideration while you further develop this. There’s simply so much white space that could be reclaimed to make the bar easier to manage.
Please keep this optional, or let me collapse the top bar, to the same or similar degree as I always could.
You’ve probably already answered this somewhere but, will it be possible to edit the default/built in tabs? If so would there be a reset to default option?
I found this online and I wonder if you guys have looked at this before. Would that be suitable for use in the Studio UI?
Try double clicking the tabs There’s also a right click context menu for additional options. Unfortunately the current version is a little clunky as we don’t “float” the toolbar and auto hide it when you mouse away. We’ve got a version of that in the works coming soon.
As far as general layout/padding, we still have not done a heavy styling pass since we initially launched the Beta. We are working with our design teams to get design system compliant grid and padding values.
We are painfully aware the community values efficient use of space. Interestingly, if you do a pixel-to-pixel comparison between old and new, it’s not that much taller. I feel confident we can make up for that difference once we do styling updates.
We are also exploring the idea of tucking the menus up in the title bar. But that’s a ton of work we weren’t planning for so not sure when we’ll get that in.
Yes. At a minimum, you’ll be able to hide and re-order the built-in tabs. You should also be able to duplicate a built-in plugin and customize it to your preferences.
Thank you for the reply. I’m glad to hear that consideration of smaller screens is a thought in mind with the redesign. I think auto collapsing will make a large difference within the workflow, especially considering that was the bulk of the extra space taken up. Sidenote: when you double click the menu now, the entire studio flashes to remove the bar, but I would assume the auto-collapsing build doesn’t have this. I did consider the possibility that it simply wasn’t implemented yet, but I wanted to express it and make sure it wasnt a feature which was left out as it’s very important on smaller screens.
As for the redesign of the tabs, I’m still a bit iffy on the change. Historically I don’t recall any time which I’ve needed a function which the new tippy-top-bar ™ provides which I couldn’t find a keybind for. While the new flow of the drop down menus seems pretty good, I couldn’t imagine I would adapt to use them now. I imagine that the new tippy-top-bar ™ is too cemented to change, but I would like if there was a way for us to condense the test buttons and orientations back into the tippy-top-bar ™ so that the script editor/workspace tabs list could at least be moved up a level when the menu isnt expanded, but I’m not a UI designer. You guys are the experts, keep us in your hearts and try to spare my 16:10 display. Thank you for listening to feedback
Yes that’s correct. The updated autohide behavior has the toolbar “float” within the Studio window so it doesn’t cause a layout refresh like the current version.