Al's Ragdoll Module

Recently, I came across a ragdoll module on the Roblox Developer Forum. This module is a great utility for adding realistic ragdoll physics to characters in Roblox games. However, I’ve noticed that some of its internal components are deprecated and can be optimized to improve user experience (UX).

→ Changes

  • Replaced deprecated methods with its newer version.
  • Implemented a single .Start() method for both client and server sided logic.
  • Improved code efficiently. No lag were found during testing.


-- Setup the character for ragdoll physics
-- @param char: Rigged model
-- @return nil

-- Apply ragdoll physics to the character
-- @param char: Rigged model
-- @param ragdoll: { Strength: number, Direction: Vector3 }
-- @param t: number
-- @return nil
.Ragdoll(char, ragdoll, t)

-- Initialize the module
-- @param nil
-- @return nil

→ Model: here

Hope you enjoy this resource.


Mind if you attach a video showcase of it?


I will use this, but i recommend you put a more detailed documentation, and as well a video showcase


Unfortunately, not right now as I am flying overseas. Will do some time later :+1:

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I will be sure to do so, thanks for using!