i am unable to select indivdiual parts in a group with alt+click?
Try Ctrl+click! It works for me
it doesnt work
Try shift+click. I think I read it somewhere
What do you mean by in a group?
like a model qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
AAA, ok, you can not. You must do it manually in the explorer. I know it could be infuriating, but there is no other way
I’ve always been able to select item from a Model in the workspace window and the Explorer using Alt Click on it.
There have been a few times when it’s broken though. One of the times was when they altered something with CollisionGroups. @manybloxxer are the items you are selecting in a CollisionGroup?
Here’s the link to Roblox’s fix to that: Introducing the StudioSelectable Collision Group
Wait, what you’re saying is that you can select each individual part of a model with alt+click ?! You are a lifesaver! I have endured so much pain in this fuss of selecting items from models!
the problem was my alt key itself and then i broke the keycap trying to take itoff mb
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