Alternative for ReplicaService in data replication to the client? (ProfileService)

For using ProfileService, how could I replicate info to the client without firing many remotes/functions to manage GUIs that display player data?

I do not want to use ReplicaService due to the requirement of many modules.

You could use NumberValues or StringValues and such, but I’d honestly recommend ReplicaService. I know you don’t wanna use it, but using it myself it’s been incredible. (Also, I have no clue about the implications and usage of Attributes but maybe?? Finally I believe _G replicates.)

I would use ReplicaService, but it just annoys me a bit that there are such many modules that it needs me to have inside my game.

I wanna have some sort of system where a localscript could listen to a change in data then replicate on screen, ie changing a number to whatever the player’s coin stat is.

Yeah, the other methods I provided should work for that, just toy around with them for whatever works best. I don’t know too much about Attributes though, so keep that in mind.

I did some reading on ReplicaService, and how could I implement it into my game?

How I use the list of data inside of my game I keep a sub-module underneath of the main data module, which the above script can call for data template. So the only option I’ve thought of so far include doing a loop for every stat (which sounds REALLY bad for a high player server). Any ideas on how I could fully automate this without needing heavy performance debuffs?

Or I am thinking about this wrong? I am very confused.

Attributes would be great for this. You could do something like this:

-- Server

Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function (player)
    local data ="Configuration")
    data.Name = "PlayerInfo"
    data.Parent = player

local function setValue(player, key, value)
    player.PlayerInfo:SetAttribute(key, value)
-- Client

local playerInfo = Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerInfo")

playerInfo.AttributeChanged:Connect(function (key)
    local value = playerInfo:GetAttribute(key)
    -- do something with key and value
    -- if key == "Money" then ...

How did you go about using ReplicaService inside your game?

I followed the information off the wiki for it; Replicate your states with ReplicaService! (Networking system)

Implementation really just depends on your game, but seriously read everything and what each thing does. As some ways I tried using things, ended up being wrong.

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