Alternative to GetMarkerReachedSignal?

It feels like whatever I do I can never have this thing work. It seems to return something, but never will it ever trigger the signal. Is there an alternative to markers in an animation?


Though it is deprecated, it still works

use the default editor for roblox and name a keyframe before you upload the animation.

You just might not be using it correctly. It works great for me.

	-- do something

Make sure you connect to the event with the name you gave for the event in the animation editor.

I’ve done that but it never triggers.

It’s likely that your animation markers are not set properly, or you are not referencing them by their actual name.

How do I check if I have the marker and the name it’s set up as. I’m using moon animation suite.

If you’re using Moon animation suite then you can use their built-in marker editor.

It allows you to run code at specific markers, heres a tutorial I found: How to change/animate faces in Moon Animation Suite!.

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I already know that it has a marker editor, but the thing is that when using the function it acts as if I didn’t put down the marker to begin with when I’m calling it through a script.

Once again, you can use use their editor to run your code at your specified markers:

Apart from that, I haven’t tinkered with Moon’s suite too much to know any other way. I’d use ROBLOX’s official plugin as it would work with their API, specifically GetMarkerReachedSignal.

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Couldn’t you just import the track you made in Moon into the studio animator and add an event there? It might be annoying, but I think it would solve a lot of hassle

The code is there for animation. I want to use this for games. I already use that to add markers to the animation, the issue is that no matter what I do the signal doesn’t triggers when the animation is played using a script.