Alternative to Pathfinding Modifier PassThrough?

Hello, I recently started using the PathfindingModifier instance for my AI revamp, making use of the PassThrough property.

The problem is I only just released it’s a BETA-only feature and isn’t available in-game, which has caused me some issues. (It didn’t say on the pathfinding page itself it was a beta-only feature Character Pathfinding | Roblox Creator Documentation)

I’m wondering if there is a workaround to making the pathfinding service think a parts collisions are false when they are not.

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Well, only way to do is check if cancollide parts are near npc and then move NPC throught the part, or wait for PathfindingModifiers to go live.

Your best bet would be to use a table and raycasting, A table to store the objects you want your NPC to pass through raycasting to detect if the NPC is near that object in a table (And MAYBBE a set of nodes)

Example Code:

local RaycastTable = {

local Raycast = workspace:Raycast(Orgin, Direction, ParamsDough)

if Raycast then
	if Raycast.Instance then
		for _, Instances in pairs(RaycastTable) do
			if Raycast.Instance:IsDescendantOf(Instances) then
				print("NPC is near a Set Object....")
---MoveTo : ¯\_(ツ)_/¯