Alternatives for body velocity

Hi I recently heard that body velocity is deprecated, what else can I use? I need it for knockback for my combat.

LinearVelocity should be used instead

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Could you tell me how to use it? I am not familiar with body velocity nor that. Just an example of maybe a knockback

Everything is on the documentation link I posted in my original reply. If you still don’t understand after reading through it, I’m happy to help! I can’t at the moment because I’m very busy.

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The Exact same thing as BodyVelocity

This object maintains all functionality of BodyVelocity, a legacy body mover. To instead apply a constant force, use a VectorForce object instead.

There is a couple of forum post about how to use the BodyMover:

Plus, there are Plenty of ways to Apply Knockback:

  • AssemblyLinearVelocity (newer variant of deprecated Velocity that applys implies force)
BasePart.Velocity =,number,number) -- deprecated
BasePart.AssemblyLinearVelocity =,number,number) -- newer varirant
  • ApplyImpulse (Applys Force to an Object)
BasePart:ApplyImpulse(,number,number)) -- Applys Force
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I can share a small snippet as an example from my code if needed. This is used to fling a player in my game by an admin command. Didn’t have much time to change it around, though:

local ply = findPlayer(plrName) --// Pretend this is your player

if ply then --// Checking if the player exists
	local character = ply.Character --// Getting the character

	if character then --// Checking if the character exists
		local rootPart = character.HumanoidRootPart --// Getting the HumanoidRootPart

		local attachment ="Attachment") --// Creating an attachment for the LinearVelocity (THIS IS IMPORTANT!)
		attachment.Name = "VelocityAttachment" --// Naming it
		attachment.Parent = rootPart --// Parenting it

		local velocity ="LinearVelocity") --// Creating the LinearVelocity
		velocity.Name = "FlingVelocity" --// Naming it
		velocity.MaxForce = 10000 --// Setting the max force (the most amount of force that will move the character)
		velocity.VectorVelocity =, 10000, 100000) --// Setting the vector velocity (the velocity direction it will move in)
		velocity.Enabled = true --// Enabling it (not necessary. It is enabled by default. I always like to make sure lol)
		velocity.Attachment0 = attachment --// Setting the attachment to the one created earlier
		velocity.Parent = rootPart --// Parenting it to the HumanoidRootPart

		debrisService:AddItem(attachment, 0.7) --// Deletes the attachment after 0.7 seconds
		debrisService:AddItem(velocity, 0.7) --// Deletes the velocity after 0.7 seconds

Sorry if this still isn’t very helpful. I’m in a rush and have a lot to do. If I’m not your solution, I don’t mind giving it to others! (Not like I did much anyways)