Am I allowed to direct users to the Developer Forums?

I am wanting to direct users to the Developer Forums as I do not have any other way of contacts for their game being advertised in the games place, here is what I mean

and the developer forums is owned by roblox, and I don’t want to be moderated for “Directing users off-platform”. so is it allowed to direct users to the developer forums?

I’m pretty sure you can only link to #bulletin-board and maybe #updates, I’m pretty sure other than that you can’t.

It is in my own game, and I want to direct users to the developer forums in-game so users can private message me to put their game in my game

Oh, I’m guessing because it is a Roblox owned link, it’s allowed, although you should also research it too.

I can’t put hyperlinks inside the game, I just want to put “CONTACT ON DEVFORUMS @GameInspectors TO CLAIM THE BILLBOARD” in there, I am not using it to offer monetary investments nor accept any kind of payment by proxy, I am doing it for free since I don’t want to violate the DevForum rules

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