AmazingAbs: Porfolio

I tried to send you a friend request on discord, but it errored! if you could kindly friend me on discord, at rosscko#7637!

Aw thank you!

Yeah, I refrain from using blender or meshes. I very rarely use any plugins unless it’s resize align - for example, cframed parts.

I hope it does inspire people, if I can do it, anyone can! Although it’s a downside when it comes to businesses potentially hiring you…

Hey, I think that’s because I added a space in between. Try it now - I have updated it🙂

AmazingAbs is one of the best builders out there!!! She is really talented, and hard working! She always has clear communication with the customer and builds to your expectations! I recommend her!


Hey! Your discord user & tag seems not to be working. Could you please add me on Discord: 6636#6366

Thank you!

Amazing builder I highly recommend her recent map is truly amazing.

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