An alternative, cheap Datastore Editor plugin! [thousands of installs & available on Github!]

I came back to this plugin after a while and its pretty good!

I think you should use widgets for the UI though (like these)



I see you want a save button and widget.
I’m going to make it a widget then, but I can’t make a save button.
The whole plugin stands on autosave. If I want to make a save button, I could just
create a whole new plugin.

So, no save button sorry.

Update: Now the gui is a widget! You can dock it anywhere, or just let it float on your screen!


The widget is automatically open, can you disable that?

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I think you should make empty text not query anything, and also make the DataStoreName box have TextScaled, as well as the key thing.

Finally! Thanks, that’s a great addition! It kind of looked weird being on the screen :P

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Does it support profile service?

Sure! Thanks for the feedback!
(the update is out, now it won’t open automatically)

Profile service uses datastores as well.
If you know the name of the datastores and keys you can work with it.

Yes obviously, as long as you know how profile service works. No DataStore editor currently has specific modes for modules. These modules all use normal datastores, you just have to find out how ProfileService saves data.

For example DS2 keeps every single version it has ever saved, and it has indicators of the versions on OrderedDataStores (this plugin doesn’t have acess to ordered data stores, but still).

I believe profile service just saves stuff normally under the “Profile Store” that you give it.

Do you know how I could use this with DataStore2? I recently changed over and DataStore2 automatically creates a key for the player, aka I don’t know it making this obsolete.

You can DM if you need help with DS2. I made DataStore+ which is based around the idea of DS2 backups. I’m using the same method here (except for having a main version, DS2 doesn’t have that).

I know how DS2 backups work. I can help you modify the data from a player.
The key to a player is basically their userId. But anyways, I can help you out. Just be ware that, because this plugin doesn’t support ordered data stores, you would have to use the command bar to get the “version” indicators for DS2. It’s not that hard.

Also thanks, maker of this plugin, it has helped me a lot with the development of this module and also an upcoming project based on it. :eyes:

Okay thanks! Also can’t what to see what you release next!

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Idk if i should say that, but thanks for the 3k views!
And the 52 likes!
And for the 414 sales (OMG that’s a lot):

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I have a recommendation, for a feature, a cool thing to add would be JSON editing. So, the way I convert data from JSON if i’m not sure if the data is json, is I wrap the JSONDecode() call using a pcall, with no errors no nothing. Then, I check if the data has changed, and do everything. You can keep a marker for JSON encoded data, and then save it as JSON if it was JSON when you did GetAsync on it.

It would help me a lot, especially since I have been having some older data being encoded, and blah blah blah.

Why are you using JSON to save data?
You can save tables into datastores:

local dss = game:GetService('DataStoreService')
local datastore = dss:GetDataStore('TestDS')
local data = {
a = 10,
b = 20,
c = 'hello'

datastore:SetAsync('myData', data)

local loadedData = datastore:GetAsync('myData')
print(loadedData.a) -- 10
print(loadedData.b) -- 20
print(loadedData.c) -- hello

And the plugin can edit this type of tables too.
I don’t see any reason why to use JSON instead of this.

I know datastores support tables. A lot of people use JSON for saving data, maybe compressed data, which needs to be encoded, or just… i mean there’s A LOT of cases where you need to encode your table into a JSON. You know datastores also use JSON to save tables right?

Okay, can you please give some ideas how you imagine this “JSON editing”?
Like, can you make a simple UI, so I can see how it should look like.

Hm what? No no. JSON is basically the structure of tables.

Tables have an index and a value. JSON do the same. Except they do that in a string.

Roblox has options to convert to, and from JSON strings. JSON strings you can think of them as string based tables.

These functions I’m talking about are from HTTPService. Don’t worry they don’t do any requests or yield.

There’s HTTPService:JSONEncode(jsonString) to turn a table into a string, and HTTPService:JSONDecode(table) to turn a table into a string.

One problem with these requests, especifically JSONDecode() is that it will error if it’s not a json string. So putting it inside a pcall is what you should do.
You just ignore any errors that the call has done. Now after doing that, your system should already pick up a table and render that. One cool thing to do would’ve been doing JSONEncode() when saving the data if originally it was a JSON string.

If you don’t know what a JSON/table is, I’ll give you an example

-- Lua Table
local tab = {
     "index" = "value"

While a JSON is this

let tab = {

That still would look weird.

Here’s an example of a lua table: {“Cash” = 0, “Points” = 10}

A JSON string would be something like:

{“Cash”: 0, “Points”:10}

It’s almost the same thing. JSON is just a STRING based table pretty much.