An alternative, cheap Datastore Editor plugin! [thousands of installs & available on Github!]

The save button only turns gray for 6 seconds. I tried it, it works for me.

image What would happen if I deleted this parent folder?

Errors. The plugin will break if you delete it.

Why is there over 1.5k string values of the same user ID in KeyNames?

Wait, what? Okay, I need to check this as fast as possible!

Okay, I released an update. I think it’s fixed. (I mistyped something)

Oh and on top of the over 1.5k of that, theres over 500 of what I queried.

For some reason they keep adding as I’m watching it-

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I’m going to uninstall the plugin and delete the folder, see what happens.


This is something I made with my fork, I disabled the textbox auto wiping when you click on it, as a lot of times I would have to get a userId or something. Can you do that?

Makes sense.
I ‘fixed’ that. Update is out!

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Hello! Small update! Now you can support my work if you want :slight_smile: !


Uh, is this supposed to show up in server storage???

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Yes, this saves the recent edited keys/Datastores/Datastore scopes.

Alright, that makes sense, for the undo thing? The undo datastore edit.

No, this is for the “Recents” update.

Alright cool, this plugin is just getting better and better. Also some of the scaling is messed up:


I’m sure you didn’t get the last update, I fixed this scaling issue last time!
I didn’t say anything, okay? This is a bug :confused:

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Okay, I fixed it! You should be able to get the update now!

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Oooh, is that what you integrated that object thing I was talking about? :eyes:

“Connections” update!

I added a connections tab on the right.


How is this work?
For example: You connect to a datastore and query some keys.
Next, you connect to another datastore and query some keys as well.
Now, you can click on this tab, and you will see two elements.
image (‘test2’ and ‘test1’ are the name of the datastores!)
You can choose what datastore you want to connect and click ‘Connect’.
Now, it will connect to the datastore AND query the keys you queried last time.

This can be a good time saver when you work with multiple datastores with multiple keys!
(also the plugin will not remember your connections after restart)


This feature doesn’t support ordered datastores yet!


Hey, just a thought but couldn’t you also have that folder be a child of the plug-in script? I can’t see why it wouldn’t work the same.