An old vulnerability is being exploited to backdoor games

Basically there’s a way that games are being backdoored without anything from the backdoor showing in the CTRL Shift F

Check your games and make sure that the Linkedsource properties on your script are set to nothing with the command bar (Linkedsource is hidden from properties tab)

I was the one who originally made this method but I quit the community where backdoors come from so I’m reporting it so skids like @TopQualityModels and Enable can’t leech off of my old stuff


The best thing to do is to probably turn on the setting that unhides hidden things in this case.

No they need to remove Linkedsource completely, it’s supposed to be depricated but it’s just hidden

Does linkedsource basically just contain code, or does it contain a website address.

The property allows the rbxassetid:// thing and then you can bypass the onsale/offsale thing using a funny hacer hack that only a few people have that I can’t leak. I found this method a while ago I’m just reporting it cuz skids from the Exoliner backdoor have it from my old malicious plugins I uploaded

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Huh, thats weird it isn’t even marked as hidden on roblox’s website. But, yeah thats pretty bad.

I have made some code that you can put into your command bar that clears all script’s LinkedSource, use it if you want.

for _, descendant in ipairs(game:GetDescendants()) do
        -- really long condition i know
        if descendant:IsA("Script") or descendant:IsA("LocalScript") or descendant:IsA("MoudleScript")
        not descendant:IsA("CoreScript") then
            descendant.LinkedSource = ""

That won’t work, I’d recommend you use this instead:

for _,v in pairs(game:GetDescendants()) do
		if v:IsA("BaseScript") then
			v.LinkedSource = ""

Forget to pcall it, thank’s for letting me know.

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What where do you learn about backdoors i think my game might have a backdoor and idk where to find it or the methods this people use cause i looked everywhere in studio and nothing is showing but werid stuff happens in my game

Thank you for telling us this, but it’s concerning that the only reason you cared to tell us was because you hate a few people.

This is a good thread to help with that.

I used to work in the roblox backdoor industry, I normally wouldn’t tell developers my methods.

Uhmm… SUS! But I guess its cool just never do it again I find it interesting though

Anyways how did you get that Japanese/Chinese Display name?

It’s Chinese, basically you can use the Chinese ROBLOX (Luobu) API ( with your cookie and just change it to something in Chinese.

Ah ok seems sussy though, I wish I had the guts to do it