An option to click on a click detector with an actived tool

HI! I would like know how to make a click detector wich can be actevated with an activeted tool in the hand of the player.
Can you help me please!


I know but is this what you are looking for ???
robloxapp-20201208-0138565.wmv (2.2 MB)


if not player.Backpack:FindFirstChild("ClassicSword")then

local item = game.ServerStorage.ClassicSword:Clone()
item.Parent = player.Backpack

I know make that. You didn’t know I wanted.

I would like it possible to click on a click detector with an activated object in my hand.

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oh sorry but i don’t know try asking scripting munking they know

Sorry I am oblige to bump this thread because I can’t continue my game as long as nobody helped me.

Using google, sorry but the answer is no,:

you would have to script your own work around to the problem. If you are using click detectors for a door as an example you can use the new proximity prompt instead to do it.