It is working now, thanks for following up!
This update is very helpful especially since I just released a game! I like looking at data and now there is even more to view!
For some reason list of person who bought my model/mesh is missing from sales of goods category under transaction page, is it because of this update? Will it return after you expand this to models and other development items?
casually leaks adopt me’s monetization stats
This is an extremely helpful and amazing feature, however I suggest that viewing all-time sales would be an even better addition to this. I am pretty curious to know how much total revenue and how much all-time sales I earned!
The issue is still ongoing on my end when I try to look for how many sales my group clothing would have, so I don’t think it’s actually fixed yet.
It should be fixed but if not DM me a link to your analytics page
I would love to be able to see these analytics on group level rather than just per experience.
We can already see experiences and avatar items on groups level on the finance tab.
Being able to see how our passes do across all our games in a glimpse would be very useful.
Additionally, being able to select a date range for experience analytics would be a massive improvement as well.
For Avatar items we’ve been able to do this, but for experiences we can not.
Loving the expanded access and analytics so far, though I am noticing that I’m unable to track any sales for my current development items on the Marketplace. Is this intended until the update kicks in?
I’ve often used :GetProductInfo()
followed by my asset’s ID to retrieve the sale data, though I’ve noticed it’s returning 0 (despite my knowing of it being installed hundreds of times). Popular models on the toolbox as well were showing 0 sales with :GetProductInfo() on my end.
Hello would we be able to see a fix for Avatar item commissions ( in-game avatar item purchases ) on a group game going directly to the owner of the groups profile? here’s a link to my post that highlights the issue more clearly:
Great update, however you can no longer see the sales of free models/decals under the Sales of Goods tab in Transactions. Is this intentional?
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