Animate your Avatar with your movement

Agreed, no offense to who made it, but it is quite ugly xd


When will developers be able to access voice api, it’s infuriating I cant change listener perspective for precise players, cant detect when people are talking and or not talking, but instead have to find bugs and exploit them to get access to those features.


I really like the update and most likely I’ll be using it but please remove those chat bubbles entirely, both for voice chat and camera and make them a ESC menu thing only or something next to the top left corner, i am working on a third person shooter game and i cant have voice chat enabled because whenever players shoot they turn on the microphone icon making it so i have to shift camera position left or right instead of having it centered.


I can’t speak with absolute certainty, but I’m pretty sure that there are different teams in Roblox that do different things for the platform. That way, each team can have their own priorities and work independently of each other, instead of, say, the graphics design team wasting time by redesigning the icons and logos, instead of fixing bugs and adding features because that’s not their job.


This may be a little irrelevant to the topic at hand, but did this update necessitate the off saleing of several “Classic Faces?”. I hate to ask here, but we have gotten lackluster responses on the other thread.


Hey there! This feature seems to be breaking some games, ive noticed that games like in Combat Warriors it seems to disable raycasting

While the player is in the air combat warriors likes to add air speed, since there is no raycasting the system thinks the player is in the air and adds speed, resulting in infinite speed on slide, this also is seen in ledge climbing, where the raycast cannot be fired aswell as seen in activating a M1 on a weapon with debug raycast on.


The quality of Roblox UI and UX design has kept getting worse, but never have i expected it to be that horrifying. :confused:


I think he means that developers can enable camera communication in their experiences. It’s not like the in-experience ad update where only a select few games can enable it.


Have a question - are there any requirements for games to enable this feature, like checking the age of the game etc.?

I’m worried about throwaway games that will use this feature for inappropriate motives, getting around Moderation easily by just publishing new games and enabling this setting?

Yes, VC is a lost cause at this point when in the wrong hands.


None. Just go to Game Settings in Roblox Studio and activate both options (Camera and Voice)


Well, what was I expecting? :slightly_frowning_face:

Considering that VC is a lost cause with all games being allowed to enable it, and that dynamic heads are basically bundled with VC, I don’t see anything good coming out of the shadier part of the community.

On the bright side, at least Developers would now have new ways to use dynamic heads (I literally have no idea how).

Hope Roblox at least implements some restrictions on the games which can enable this feature.


I’m confused.

Do I or do I not have to be Age-Verified to use this?

And is this Available on IOS?


Are there any plans to disable these as a player and or as a game developer?

I think accessibility through the sandwich menu is enough control for the user, and the overhead buttons are unnecessary and get in the way of your experience. Further, I find myself accidentally clicking these buttons, allowing everyone to hear me without me noticing its on.


I think Roblox does not set limits because it prefers that most games have the features activated

(btw, I activated it in my games today)


I want to know how is this going to be moderated. There are plenty of cases of false player reports because of voice chat and some of them are actual bans without reason.

How is the moderation staff going to check if a player was correctly reported because of inappropiate use of body tracking?


I guess they would just use the animation that was played on your avatar, I don’t really know though.


I agree that he says everyone can enable real-time facial animation for experiences, but my account does not have access to the feature, this it makes testing it in my games difficult. (I am never sure if I turned it on right)

So, guess I’ll be waiting for my turn :grin:


When I first saw the new UI, I thought it was just a visual glitch, but now after I know this is the new UI, I really wonder how did Roblox manage to make a good looking UI and make it so much worse.


Thank you for the report. We also had this reported earlier by the developer in the Bug Reports section: New Facial Tracking Causing "The current thread cannot access 'Instance' (lacking capability Plugin)" error

We have a fix for this ready to go in the nearest update.


Part of the worst update on Roblox.