Animated Particles with the Particle Flipbooks Beta

This is great!
1 problem; Do you guys have any websites that have HD vfx spritesheets? I remember I had a link to one but I forgot it when I got a new PC…




Would it be possible in the future to do more then just 4 by 4 and eight by eight?? like possibly 16? or more?


now THATS a good fireball :slight_smile:

nice one!

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Please add multisheet!!!

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we can finally have more realistic gunfire, this is a good update.

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Gonna try it out. Seems cool.

I can’t wait to make amazing stuff

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Just a quick question:

If you are already in the beta program, can you use this beta feature?

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Is it possible to make the flip-book play in-game or does it only work in studio till it’s out of beta and released? Wondering because I applied a flipbook and it worked in studio but when I published and joined the actual game it didn’t work


I’m not sure if it will work with lightsaber blade as particles with flipbooks feature? I might try see what I can do with this idea.

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Flipbooks are part of the ParticleEmitter object, so I don’t see why they would remove it.

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I think it would be a much better idea to use normal parts/meshes for a lightsaber blade, as particles are still only 2d after all. However all the residues and external vfxs can definitely use particles just to spice things up a bit.


i hope i don’t get electrocuted by touching this dude :flushed:
looks like someone is gonna charge up an attack on another person, but i bet it’s gonna look very cool when you’re finished! keep up the great work!


Holy ship. Thats amazing. This update is great, and I cant wait to see what I can do with it!

Set the LightEmission to max. That should do it.

If it weren’t for the baseplate, I’d 100% think that was a Source game

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Really nice update, finally I can make some clean vfx!! :smiley:

Can’t believe that this is Roblox.
The particles look so good in this!


Really can’t wait! Previously I was emitting around 13 particles per frame for a burning effect. Now, this only emits 5 times/s yet it looks SO much better!


How do you publish this into your game?