Animated Spritesheets

hello everyone, i hope you’re living a good life and doing great!

now, i’m right now in the period of testing things, and i want to try and make an animated spritesheet.
but the thing is, how can i make them?
i want to use hatred from the hit game Block Tales for an example (i obviously won’t be using it in a game)

(the animation)

(the spritesheet)

any help would be appreciated, thank you!


i’ve tried using SpriteClip 2 but it’s not working for some reason
here’s the code if the owner of SpriteClip sees this

local SpriteClip = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").SpriteClip2)
local image = script.Parent

local Sprite ={
	adornee = image,
	spriteSheetId = "rbxassetid://100310209519318",
	spriteSize =, 640),
	spriteCount = 14,
	columnCount = 4,
	frameRate = 24,
	isLooped = true


Here is a basic GIF script I made around a week ago:

emojiData = {ImageID = "rbxassetid://XYZ",Column = 4,Row = 4,Frame = 14,Size =,1024)
emoji.ImageRectSize =,emojiData.Size.Y/emojiData.Row)
while true do
local x,y = 0,0
	for f = 1,emojiData.Frame do
		emoji.ImageRectOffset = emoji.ImageRectSize*,y)
		x += 1
		if x > emojiData.Column-1 then
			x = 0
			y += 1

this works
and thank you i appreciate it

but is there a module that does this that is faster? idk why but i like modules

Good, please mark my post as the solution.

Please use google for that. I do not know how these modules are because I do not use them but here:

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spriteSize is the size of the individual sprites not the sprite sheet. It’s 640/4 in your case both for x and y.

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