Animating Your Avatar In VR


Looking straight down before switching to third-person only seems to fix the issue if I’m sitting down in real life. If I’m standing, the bug persists in third-person no matter what direction I’m looking.

Also, this bug seems to be caused by VRService.AutomaticScaling. Turning off AutomaticScaling in third-person seemed to fix the problem entirely.

Another bug I discovered:

If you’re in first-person and you push in on the left thumbstick to recenter the camera, you will be completely unable to rotate your avatar in third-person (and in first-person, if VRService.AvatarGestures later gets disabled).

This is because, with AvatarGestures enabled, Humanoid.AutoRotate is automatically set to false in first-person, and goes back to true in third-person. However, for whatever reason, if you recenter the camera in first-person, Humanoid.AutoRotate will no longer automatically change, and it will stay false forever.

Humanoid.AutoRotate also does not get re-enabled if you disable AvatarGestures while in first-person, and likewise, it does not get disabled if you enable AvatarGestures while in first-person.

Here’s some code I wrote as a workaround until these issues are actually fixed:

local userGameSettings = UserSettings():GetService("UserGameSettings")
local vrService = game:GetService("VRService")
local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local hum = nil --put your humanoid here...

--toggle AutomaticScaling and AutoRotate dependent on camera modes, to fix bugs with AvatarGestures
local function fixAvatarGestures()
	local rotationType = userGameSettings.RotationType.Name
	if (rotationType == "MovementRelative") then
		vrService.AutomaticScaling = Enum.VRScaling.Off
		camera.HeadScale = 1
		if hum then
			hum.AutoRotate = true
	elseif (rotationType == "CameraRelative") then
		vrService.AutomaticScaling = Enum.VRScaling.World
		if hum then
			hum.AutoRotate = (vrService.AvatarGestures==false)

--fire when you change camera modes or toggle AvatarGestures

--immediately disable AutomaticScaling since you initially spawn in third-person

Here’s a few issues I’ve noticed.

  1. Character shakes while in a moving vehicle
  2. Character’s arms shake when the headset shakes
  3. part.touch buttons don’t work when the character is sitting.
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FYI, it seems like these added parts / IK controls break many vehicle controls. Do you have any reports of this?