Animation affects gun

So the gun has to be 100% accurate and to achieve this the Tip of the gun has to be in the center of HumanoidRootPart (the gun uses a raycasting system) However, because of this, the idle animation also has to have the gun in the center of the HumanoidRootPart. This results in an animation that looks like this.

Is there a way to get around this? Maybe have all the players view it as a seperate animation but make the server believe this is the animation being played? I can’t modify the raycast system.

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Can you shoot the raycast from the HumanoidRootPart and have the gun in the hand?

When you say it has to be 100% accurate what exactly are you talking about? To me 100% accurate means the raycast would be from the tip of the gun. Do you mean visual aiming on screen without the gun being offset to the hand?

Why aren’t you able to modify the raycast system?

We really need you to be more descriptive about exactly what you are trying to accomplish. You kind of gave us hints but we aren’t inside your head to be able to know all the small details.

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100% accurate refers to the viewmodel offset. So yes, the visual aiming on screen is what I’m refferring to. The raycast system is FastCast: Redux. I can modify it, but I don’t want to mess anything up in it.

Doesn’t FastCast give you a bunch of options that deal with aiming and raycasting? From what I’ve read about it there are a lot of different settings in the code that you can modify, and they are described pretty well in the scripts.

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Based on what I have read, there is no way to change this. I have looked through all the notes in all scripts and read the website information.

The Fastcast forum post I read didn’t mention it directly but it did talk about shooting projectiles along the ray that’s being fired.
I know from reading other posts about people using this that they aren’t firing from the HumanoidRootPart, they are firing from the gun itself.

I don’t know how you’d set up the offset. Could you script the camera to the gun barrel instead?

That’s correct, the bullet does come out of the gun itself. But the issue is the view model does not like ADS. This is because ADS will change the camera, but the mouse position remains the same. Is there a way to change mouse position to the new camera?

This is with the gun fire point attachment visible

Sorry, what do you mean when you refer to ADS?

You should be able to parent the camera to part of the gun and use a CFrame Offset to position it wherever you want it.

I’m not sure, but I believe any time the camera is somewhere else the mouse position stays relative to the camera.

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