Animation Editor should confirm before closing out of an animation

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too difficult to keep an animation focused in the Animation Editor.

Right now if you have an animation loaded and click anywhere but the character, it will unload whatever you have saved. Now I know that it auto saves and nothing is lost, but it is incredibly frustrating.

We work with animations that have been ported over from another program, so they have many more keyframes than something you may find in an average animation made with Roblox’s editor. This means it takes the editor more time to load in these animations as well (loading them from KeyframeSequences inside of AnimSaves). So whenever the editor closes, I have to wait at least 10 more seconds to get back to where I began.

I just want the confirmation before closing out of an animation back. It makes no sense that something as necessary as animations has an editor that can just close with one wrong click.


This is listed as a known issue with the new workflow, and we are currently considering ways to address it: New Animation Editor Workflow and some bug fixes

Just to make sure this isn’t a click-through bug, in the video, are you double-clicking the button? That would explain why you are switching unintentionally, as the buttons only process the first click, so your second is likely going through to the baseplate and triggering the switch. As mentioned in the announcement post, the workaround for this is to keep the model in an isolated area , and maybe try to move/delete the baseplate. Deselecting a model or clicking into an empty space should not trigger a switch.

I have the same bug, the editor is unusable because of it :frowning:

It also left the motor.Transform in broken positions after closing it. Reopening the place fixes this issue.
(After reopening the place)

Is your model not parented directly to workspace (ie: the model lives under a folder inside of workspace)?There is currently a bug with this, and moving the model out of the folder and directly into workspace should fix it.

We are currently fixing this problem AND making it so that you will only switch contexts by clicking on another rigged model (not some arbitrary part such as the baseplate). The fixes should be coming soon.