Animation failed to load exploit spam

You could possibly create an script that will essentially crash the exploiters client when the script is ran, or make an script that has the code to the executed script, and when that script is executed, it will ban the player executing the code.

That’d require client-side checking which can be disabled. Plus I don’t even think I can check what they run

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I noticed you linked my post so I came to check this out. As far as I am aware, this is an issue that Roblox engineers will need to fix from their end as Animations replicate across the client-server boundary. To my knowledge, there is no way to stop this as the server will not detect errors in animations. The way exploits work is they do not create a script in the game so that error can’t be traced back. Nor does the server know this error is even occurring. Roblox will not allow spamming of the same ID so as you see in your image, the name or message of the animation is different in every single one using a random math operation. The server can only detect an animation that has loaded. It will not detect one that is erroring and failing to load.

If you know of Vermillion, you can probably do some quick browsing there for the actual script if you’d like to see how it works. You can also send me a message and I’ll provide you with the script and an explanation on how it works, but for the purpose of preventing this from getting in the hands of exploiters who don’t know about it, I will not post it here.

Do note this is all only to my limited knowledge and may or may not be fully accurate.

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The weird thing is the server got sent the error aswell as every client. Could this not be traced?

Exploits can’t be traced back if their script errors. To catch the error requires being in the erroring script.