Animation not playing in Studio

If it’s not a group game then I’m not sure why it’s not working as the asset is listed as owned by yourself so it should be working.

["CreatorTargetId"] = 1817401517,
["CreatorType"] = "User",
["Name"] = "scripterZim"

The rig was made personally, so I doubt it would be casted as a group game.

I have no idea why it is not working tho.

Have you tried the animation in another Place

Yes, I have done that.

I have an inquiry -

What are the possible reasons of why an animation will not work?

  • If the animation isn’t yours
  • If there is an animation running and it has a higher priority
  • If the script does not recognize the player’s humanoid
  • custom characters
  • roblox bugs

I will try and export via my group again.

You don’t need to do this if the game is on the personal side

Ah ok.

Well I have no idea why my animation is not working - I might try and use another animation.

Listen, I am not a programmer but I have a piece of advice. First make sure you OWN the animation.

Screen Shot 2021-07-28 at 7.55.58 PM
You want to have the animation inside a script, and the script inside of the NPC.

local animation = script:WaitForChild('Animation')

local humanoid = script.Parent:WaitForChild('Humanoid')

local dance = humanoid:LoadAnimation(animation)


Hope this helps!

The issue is replicating it on my character.

I believe it is the animation.

Suggestion what if you preloaded an animation, using ContentProvider | Roblox Creator Documentation.
Make a script in ReplicatedFirst so you preload the animations to the client.

I doubt it’s the issue but it’s worth a try…
I recommend you also try to move everything into a new studio that is published.

I found out the issue,

It was my animation, I made a new one and it works.