ye a .changed event but imo that seems more clunky
Actually no
if script.Parent.Parent.Debounce.Value == true then
The damage will only be seen by client, the server wont know that the victim got damaged
The game is owned by me and I made the animation
You’ve set the creator to be you?
Yes I am the Creator
Is your game published to roblox?
I posted something here that you add a server script inside of the handle and make it so it deals damage only when the Debounce is on false when he’ll add a boolvalue inside of the tool.
Use both of my method and tell me if it works
check the output, does it error?
Check if you’ve actually set the AnimationId to the animation instance, sometimes we can forget about that
I set the animation ID already
We’re not sure how your debounce system works so try adding a print(“activated”) inside the if statement to see if it actually runs
I already know it is working because the damage script is working
It isnt quite relevant since its always connected…
All of the “if” statements and functions are functioning ( with the help of print statements ) but it still isn’t playing the animation
Huh, that is really weird, well try to publish the game and then play it with the roblox player, see if it works from there for whatever reason