Animation Not Replicating to Server

I attempted to create a custom rig to make my own animations on. I noticed when playing the animations that it only plays on the client but does not replicate to the server. What’s odd is that it’ll play for a quick second or one cycle if its looped then stop on the server, but will play out correctly on the client. I’ve already looked at other threads on this problem and tried everything, including creating the animator on the server but nothing is working. I assumed that animations replicated from the client to the server.

If playing on the client, ensure a couple things:

  1. Each animation is loaded on its own Animation Instance

  2. Each animation is being loaded using rbxassetid://id

  3. The animations aren’t being cancelled by another animation due to animation priority.

  4. You’re using Animator:LoadAnimation()

EDIT: Noticed you’re using a custom rig. Are necessary joints and motors being created serverside? Everything needs to be initiated server side. Also if it’s a custom rig, I’m almost positive that everything needs to be played from server-side. Not sure about that though.

I’ve created the whole rig including parts, joints, the humanoid, the animator and all from the server. I’ve also removed the original animate script to create my own. The only thing that I do on the client is Load the animation to the animator and play the animation when needed.

Then most likely the issue would be NetworkOwnerShip on the new rig. Perhaps try the model’s ownership to the localPlayer through a serverscript and retry using localscripts for animation?

Other than that, i would suggest running everything on the server, though I feel there would be a latency between user input and the animation playing.

That’s exactly why I don’t want to go down that route. Having to use remotes and etc, there will be some type of noticeable delay relative to the type of script I’m trying to create(a combat script). This is really upsetting.

I’ve had similar problems in the past before. It turned out I was using http instead of https. Maybe you’re doing something similar by mistake?

I’m using rbxassetid but I might as well try it out

After looking through tons of more threads, I found out that looping animations do not replicate between client and server which is the reason why it would play on the server once then stop. I’ve fixed the problem by re-uploading the animation to be looped before exporting it out of the animator plugin. No problems now but thanks for the help!

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