That’s correct but how does that solve it?
Did you try to activate the tool?(with the handle name changed)
If i am not mistaken, the animation should play just fine, but without the pickaxe attached to the player
I did it with activated but it still doesn’t works neither does it without it being attached to my hand
Can you show a video? The thing is that i am on the phone right now so i can’t just hop in to roblox studio and try things out
thank you
It would be helpful if in the video you show the direct path to the pickaxe, and also it’s properties
I hope this is enough information: Untitled Game Roblox Studio 2022 05 24 19 27 38 - YouTube @Temeraire149 , @Mister33j
Good news! I fixed the problem! Apparently it was just because I accidentally typed a slash in the code…
You should change the animation priority here to something higher than the idle animation. I recommend changing it to Action.