Animation not working correctly?!

Are you sure you changed animation priority? It may be in core and being overriden by the regular tool hold, and since you dont stop it after unequipping, it just stays there

I get this error:

How can I make it so the standard animation I have as walking, running, idle, swimming etc.

Will be played FULLY except for the arm that holds the sword. Cause right now the arm that holds the sword is not moving (which I want) but the Upper torso and the Lower Torso are also not moving and those 2 I want to move with the animation pack I have.

Well, you just need to rename the ā€œAnimateā€ you put inside the StarterCharacterScripts to ā€œAnimate2ā€ since the script i said you to add removes anything with the name ā€œAnimateā€ from your character, and it includes this one. This should be enough.

I named it Animate 2 but the upper torso and lower torso still dont move with my animation pack. And the sword animation is being played with a delay.

Did you removed the ā€œthistrack:Destroy()ā€ from the script i sent you? It looks like the animations that were played with the old one before it was removed are fighting against the animations loaded from the new one.

Right now I only have a module script and the animate 2 script and this script that causes it to play the animation:

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

local animation = game.Workspace:WaitForChild(player.Name):WaitForChild("SwordAnimations").swordIdle
local humanoid = game.Workspace:WaitForChild(player.Name):WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local tool = script.Parent
local track = humanoid:LoadAnimation(animation)

	player.Character:WaitForChild("Animate").toolnone.ToolNoneAnim.AnimationId = "" 
	-- this removes roblox's default tool animation


the rest i dont have.

Ok, so readd the script that deletes the animations i sent with the exact same code and donā€™t rename the ā€œAnimate2ā€ script nor change it. Then you put the alternate LocalScript i sent you in the place of this one

wait. If you have a module script and u dont require it on client side, and you did players.LocalPlayer then i think thats the issue. Because if its required server sided the Module doesnt have access to the local player.

I just required it from localscript which is inside the tool and the animation is being played fully without delays etc. But the upper torso and lower torso are still not doing the animation i have from the default animation pack i have.

I did that but now the animation i have isnā€™t being played and the standard tool animation is.

Try renaming the ā€œHandleā€ part to something like ā€œGripā€.

If nothing plays there, you will need to add a Motor6D with the Part0 set to the RightHand and the Part1 is the ā€œGripā€.

Alright ill try that thenā€¦(20> characters more sooo yea

Nope didnā€™t work ahhh man this sucks. And to add another problem when I equip the character suddenly floats like half a stud above the ground dont know whyā€¦

Whats happening right now? Im confused

So am I the only thing I know is that the animation is playing correctly atleast the sword animation but the walking/running animation they donā€™t really work well. I donā€™t know why but the upper torso and the lowertorso arent moving just like the right arm now that the right arm doesnā€™t move I am happy cause that is the way I want it to be. But I donā€™t want the upper torso and lower torso to not move.

The problem is probably that because the RightUpperArm is attached to the torso than the torso wonā€™t move just like the right arm.

If the torso is part of the animation it wont moveā€¦ cuz it is being played in the animation

The torso is not part of the animation I double checked but it didnā€™t solved it.

I tested exactly what i told you to do before the Handle suggestion in a completely new Baseplate game and it works perfectly. So i will sugest you to check if you did everything correctly. If everything is good, then i really donā€™t know how can i help youā€¦