Animation not working?

My animation doesnt seem to be working when i pick up the tool and click on it, it doesn’t display any errors either… can someone help me out? Can it be that i made the animation on a r9 model instead of a r15???

local character = player.Character
local animation = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("PickaxeAnimation")
local swingAnimation = character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(animation)

local canSwing = true

local debounce = 1

	if canSwing then
		canSwing = false
		canSwing = true

In the occasion that your animation was intended for R6 rigs, yes. You cannot make use of R6 animations on R15 rigs and vice versa, as the R15 rigs have many more bodyparts (with different names too!), and I am unsure if errors will pop up in the occasion that you try to do it regardless.

Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that Humanoid:LoadAnimation() is deprecated and could be replaced with the humanoid’s (not character, I messed up my bad) Animator instance. You can find more info about this here.

Thank you!

i need more letters that should do it

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