Animation plays for the player who plays it but doesn't plays for the other players in the server

So for some reason every animation that the player plays/fire, animation plays on that user screen but doesn’t plays for the other players screen(kinda like filtering enable but animations), as you can see in the vid, the second user is walking and no animation is playing and when the second user was holding a tool, the holding animation wasn’t playing on my main user screen(I was controlling the second user btw and the animation that I did fire/play on my second user was playing on my second user screen including walking, holding the tool animation,etc…).

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Is this your own animation you’re playing or it just a bug with the normal animation, also make sure whatever script is making the animation play is a regular script and not a local script otherwise it will only affect the local player and everyone else won’t see it.

What I do to fix this is I upload my animations to My secure group. It seems to play for everyone when I upload the animations via group and paste the ID into the scripts.

Sorry for the late response, all my animation is made by me and owned by me beside some like the walk animation is made from Roblox but I don’t think the id is the problem @Kaiits because it does play for the player. @TheYusufGamer maybe your correct because these animation are played from a local script but a thing is, is the tool holding animation is played/fired when the player equipped the tool which isn’t fired by my scripts is fired by Roblox(ik that sounds confusing but I think you guys would understand that the tool holding animation is being fired/played by Roblox)

I don’t think is the local scripts that are playing the animation is the problem because the animation script made from roblox and added to the player character when the player joins is a local script.

edit: I founded out that the tool holding animation is being played/fired from the player animation script but I don’t think that script and local script doesn’t make a difference to animations(tell me if I’m wrong)

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This is something I initially experienced issues with when utilizing custom characters, however, I stumbled across a solution contained within this post from earlier this year (which’ll hopefully work in your case, too):

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I’m going to do that soon but I think this might be the solution.

Would I have to do the load animation thing from command or script/local script(I did the load animation thing everytime I play a animation in a local script)

I did it with commands and it’s working, thanks.

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