Animations not working in group game?

I have all of the animation saves in the game, but the group game can’t use the animations since the animations are saved to my profile. I’m not sure how this works because I am new to groups and idk why it has to be so complicated.

I have a ton of animations so I don’t have time to manually transfer each one over to the group or however you do it, nor do I have the time to go through hundreds of scripts and change the animation ID. How can I simply transfer all the animations to the group or let the animations be shared with the same ID?

Unless there’s been some kind of update I’m unaware of, I don’t think you can transfer animations automatically or access your user’s animations from a group game.

You might find this resource by evaera useful though:

You need to repupblish the animation under your group’s name
EDIT: augh typed too slow

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Will they have different IDs? If so it would probably take days of doing nothing but changing all the IDs in the script. It will also probably take a whole day just to re-upload all of the animations. If I really have to do all that then it will really let my community down and make development go by really slowly. I don’t know why there isn’t simply and option to allow animations to be used by anybody.


yes, they will have different IDs.
if it is a group game, the group HAS to own the animation. if it is an individual’s game, that user HAS to own the animation

Wow, even though the group is owned by me and the animations were made by me. I guess the group acts like a whole separate account then. I don’t want to spend weeks changing numbers on my screen so I really wish there was an option to allow the animations to be copied. Models, sounds, and images can be copied so why not animations? Why do I have to spend time transferring items to myself?


I’m afraid there isn’t really another way, sorry for the time you’ll have to spend doing it now.
At least now you know what to do next time though to avoid such problems.

Okay this is weird. After I re-uploaded all of my animations to the group, suddenly all of the animations in my game started working even though I didn’t change the IDs in the scripts. There were even some animations that I remastered while re-uploading them and even those ones work. Though I can’t tell if it’s using the remastered version or the old one. I’ll just replace all of the animations IDs anyways because I’m not sure if this is a glitch.

I wish animations should still work as long as its under your name if owner of group