Animations not working

I made an animation and I am trying to get it to play when I click down. The code and a video is below. My issue is that the animation doesn’t look right, and before someone says it both the game and the animation are R6.

	local track = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(slashid1)
	track.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Action
	track.Looped = false

This problem is not from your end, roblox has issues. For some people including me assets don’t load. For as far as I know all animations look different, for everyone.

Not entirely sure if it’s the same issue, but disabling AnimationWeightBlendedFix fix the issue for my games


Try humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation()

After trying this I got the left arm to work properly, yet the hand holding the tool wont move.

EDIT: Got it to work.