Animations playing incorrectly

For some reason animations for weapons for my game play incorrectly, here’s what the animation I’m trying to play is meant to look like (watch the charging handle):
robloxapp-20230801-1258535.wmv (286.6 KB)
And here’s how it looks on the character model:
robloxapp-20230801-1300493.wmv (380.0 KB)
The charging handle snaps forward for some reason and I have no idea how to fix it, does anyone have any advice?


What easing style(s) are you using? Is the charging handle positioned in the same place it is supposed to retract to, outside of the animation editor?

Somebody else had a similiar issue to you, because they were using the Cubic easing style on all of their keyframes, they fixed it by making the keyframes’ easing direction InOut. You can try the same thing and it might fix your issue.


Yes the charging handle is placed correctly on the model

I animate in Moon and I use Sine InOut style primarily, and Back for the arms.

But thank you I’ll try what you suggested when I can

you are probably playing multiple animations , change the priority of the animation


Okay, looking closer at my rig I think you were correct, studio crashed when I was animating for the first time and it broke the rig. I should be able to fix it now, thank you for helping

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