AnimationTrack:AdjustSpeed() not working?

I tried playing an animation, waiting 10 milliseconds after it’s done, and then changing its speed with AdjustSpeed() to -1 so it would play backwards (it’s an animation of a guy snoozing the alarm clock, so it plays forwards then backwards) but I tried it and it won’t work! No errors or anything. Now it does play, just it doesn’t play backwards. It just plays the animation twice in a row… please help thanks.


:AdjustSpeed() and :AdjustWeight() only change the speed and weight respectively of an animation track instance while it’s playing, you’d need to either adjust the speed while the track’s playback is ongoing or as the previous post suggested call the instance method :Play() on the animation track with the default arguments replacing the third argument (speed) from its default 1 to -1.

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