AnimationWeightedBlendFix is breaking animations

I am having trouble with this property, my game animations look very weird now.

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I’m not very familiar with the AnimationWeightedBlendFix property and I’m only learning about it now, but from what I can gather, it seems like the problem is stemming from the animations being blended together

and the simplest solution to this problem would be to up the priority of the reload animation over the idle one.

If doing this doesn’t work then I’d wager to say that it’s more of a programming issue than an animation issue in the game. (Do keep in mind that I have no experience with the property in question)

I find the setting useful for a skateboard project so I don’t have to deal with animation weight. But since it was removed, I would have to Reprogram the skateboard to continue my project. I would have the setting off so it wouldnt blend both animations together, so animation weights would turn useless. I think this would explain it very well.