Announcing Datastore APIs for Open Cloud

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This is very exciting! This release unlocks so many possibilities, and I’m really excited to see what Roblox developers will do with these APIs.

I’m hoping we see more endpoints for basic information, like user, group, and asset info, in the future. These are very common use cases for Roblox’s legacy (or “bedev1”) APIs.

Would it be possible for us to get even more granular controls over what an API key has permission to do, like only editing specific fields or only writing specific data?


This benefits us a lot, but one question:

Will there be more Open API Endpoints now that IP Changes invalidate our account’s .ROBLOSECURITY Cookie?


Love the permissions makes it seem more safe then the crazy undocumented apis i used before LOL


Will using the undocumented apis become obsolete now?
Before you were able to use them and without rate limits, im interested in if packages such as RbxDataStoreService from mdf labs will become obsolete such as the one below


For anyone using my DataStore Editor plugin: Yes, I am making a web app version with this.

Early version screenshot:

Early demo:


What would be the use cases for this?
I’ve never used API keys, so excuse me for the bad question!

That’s great! Now datastore editing will be extremely easy (and safe!)

Will we be able to create API keys with access to only certain DataStore scopes in the future, to give to authorized external services?


I used this to build a site from scratch that allows users to read the Lua Learning tutorials from outside of the Roblox game!


Ayyy, Roblox out here pushing out the amazing updates! Great job, I’m proud of Roblox.


This is an amazing update. I really hope there will be another amazing update with a messaging service api out soon

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seems a lot more safe which is really good

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I’m so glad this has been added, this update opens so much posibilites and even more oppotunites. I have used other databases such as mongoose and created web servers in the past for datasaving but with this I no longer have to pay for hosting for my webservers. If you have ever used an external database before you would know the benefits. It opens so much posibilites such as:

  • Live userdata updates
  • More control over your datastore
  • Dispaly user stats on your applications

And even more…

With this developers could now create web applications or a discord bots that update, create and even delete user data.

300 req/min/universe Does also sound great, this is one of my favorite updates

Now all we need is Roblox OAUTH :+1:


Great update.

A quality of life improvement to consider, would be adding x-rate-limit- and x-retry- to the response headers as seen in services like GitHub and Discord, to dynamically manage these rate limits (and across distributed systems), especially if Roblox decides to alter these rate limits in the future).


Nice! I can’t wait to see it in action. Thank you roblox!


Woah… don’t know how I will take advantage of this, but I plan to!


Does this mean we’ll also see the direct web APIs properly exposed on the gamepersistance API doc pages instead of having them hidden?


I am extremely excited with this update. I can not wait to test it out for mysefl!

Yessss a good roblox update, way more secure

No, gamepersistence is still internal. All Open Cloud APIs live under and are documented on the DevHub.

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