I added a 3 second delay, if you want you can decrease it to what best fits you, it should work better.
It could be something else, I honestly don’t know. The ball also doesn’t move when spawned.
i doubt the delay is the issue
It sure seems to not bug when I spam it.
@Herades would it be possible to get a picture of output when the games ran, see if a bug occured?
Because you can’t use :Destroy() to stop a Heartbeat, the method to stop it is :Disconnect()
realised after, mb didnt see the heartbeat
Yeah, apparently with 3 seconds it doesn’t bug, but if you decrease it breaks again. I’m thinking the problem is related to os.clock, I’m not sure yet…
I think its because the projectile is being shot too quickly, its not letting the projectile load fast enough into workspace and is causing it to have that issue.
It isn’t, I think it is the fact that the user is interrupting the server script.
That could also be a possibility too.
how? wdym by the user interrupting the server script
Actually, if you launch the projectile into the sky, and throw another one, the first one will disappear and the bug happens, so I think it’s related to os.clock
your issue isn’t fixed, well sorta, you can still use it afterwards but leads to it freezing 90% of the time
Yeah, I’m trying somethings in server scrip, I’m still looking for a solution
I think I fixed it now. Do you approve?
EDIT: It still locks up
Even with the 3 seconds of delay, the error happens when you throw it to the sky direction and another to any direction:
I think “explosion” is missing in ReplicatedStorage’s Assets folder
How come? The explosion is made by the tween, and the variable related to explosion is for the Heartbeat function