Anti-cheat help

yes heres the link: HD Admin - Roblox

Then you have a server-sided backdoor. The person can execute anything they want inside the game.

Also, something to note is a week ago I did use a virus checker and found a lot of backdoors that I removed. The problem is when I did that, it also removed some important scripts for things like teleport doors, etc.

I suck at coding. Its just a hangout game, but I notice people trying to hack in it all the time. Is there just a simple thing I can plug in? I just develop for fun

You probably have a serversided backdoor inside your game, check all of your scripts using CTRL + SHIFT + F and search for the following:


Can you send me the link of the virus checker? Some of them have malicous code inside them.

Then consider checking the information on the linked thread. You might have a malicious plugin that is injecting code into your own scripts.

I heavily suspect you have some malicious plugin doing as I described because this “virus remover” seemed to remove your own code (which would likely not include any malicious code–or anything that is deemed malicious code by the creator of the plugin)

Consider trying any “trusted” plugins that can scan your scripts for you–but don’t expose yourself to new threats on accident.

Try running the code below in command bar to see if any scripts are using getfenv or using require. These are not necessarily “malicious” functions but depending on their usecase it can be an issue.

for i, v in pairs(game:GetDescendants()) do
		if v:IsA("LuaSourceContainer") then
			if v.Source:match("getfenv") or v.Source:match("require") then

Also consider All Script Search.

Also, I suggest not using HD admin. It is always better to write your own admin which will be more extendable to how you would want it–or consider a good open source alternative like Cmdr


Make a script with a table containing all of the players who are bad, then it will kick them if they are in the table. Shutdown the game so when they go to join it will kick them and they can’t do anything about it.

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Anti-hack & “no effort” do not go hand in hand.

Nothing at all against HD admin, but by using an admin/ban script that you did not make yourself you will be more limited in the control that you have over your game.

To stop him immediately you can add a username blacklist to your game in a server script.

local Blacklist = {
	["ExampleName1"] = true,
	["ExampleName2"] = true

	if Blacklist[p.Name] then
		p:Kick('You are banned from joining this server.')

They will still be able to join on alternate accounts. You can insert this code into already existing servers through f9 console. Biggest lesson to take is that writing your own admin code will always be a better option because you can allow it to only have specific commands.

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Exploiters most times make alt accounts to prevent bans, so it may take a while having to ban every single one of them.

It would be a temporary fix to help keep your player base while you delete back doors.


heres the link GameGuard Anti Virus V2 [ALPHA] - Roblox

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Remove the HD admin then, also ban the exploiter/hacker somehow I guess

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Also, if anybody knows. Is there a vote ban or vote kick system? What I’m really worried about is people enjoying their game and then somebody comes in and starts harassing them.

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I know there is a vote kick system, but now exactly how to do it

I’ve seen that anti-virus plugin before, it doesn’t have any viruses (to what ive heard) so it’s probably not what that is causing this virus.

I’m pretty sure it doesn’t delete the detected virus right away, correct me if I’m wrong.

There are some free model anti votekicks, like this one that I found from youtube but it’s about 11 months old.
( i hate how it allows you to kick the owner )


Thank you guys so much for helping me! I honestly don’t know which suggestion to do. (thank you everybody for taking your time to help a baby developer like me)

Whenever you use free models you risk letting in backdoors or modules that can be exploited easily. Either check the free models you use thoroughly or make your own stuff.

Can you post a list of your plugins? Deleting the scripts is fine, but if you have a malicious plugin it will keep inserting exploits into your game until you get rid of it.

check if they’re in any suspicious groups and just ban everyone in the group from joining

remove hd admin. Just make your own custom command system with no backdoors