Anti dex, Core Gui?

Where would I put this? Starter Character, player, gui?

Anywhere a local script can run but i’d say somewhere like ReplicatedFirst or StarterGui. You could use this with @AverageLua’s script. But beware as there isn’t a 100% efficient way to detect exploits so there may be some false positives.


No, you cant. End of story.


Yes you can, just because you can’t doesn’t mean others can’t. If you don’t know how then don’t comment saying it’s impossible.

Dont implement band aid fixes. I am very aware of there are methods to detect DEX, however the majority of them rely on correlational data, not causational data. Exploiters can also just write code to delete the check since this is client-side validation, which is a big no-no when it comes to anti-exploits.

There are many reasons why your memory would spike on Roblox, Roblox’s CoreScripts themselves have memory issues, meaning eventually users will get flagged even if they’re not using it.


Yes No anti-cheat is perfect, but because doesn’t allow use to use core GUI we have to get creative.

creative fixes that ruin experience for users who have nothing to do with the exploiters is an awful idea


How would it ruin users experience unless they are exploiting…?

client memory can drastically change at any moment? sometimes I go afk and come back and my memory in a game has substantially increased from something like 500mb to 1gb

This is true, but its the only option I have. My anti-cheat insta bans people so I made this one to only kick for the memory. They can rejoin with no issues, and if people do get unbanned I have anticheat logs and they can appeal in our discord server, or PM a staff member.

1] depending on several settings your memory usage can be much higher than someones elses.
2] this is super easy to bypass. someone using something like synapse could easy bypass this in 3 lines…

and if its this easy to bypass, and even causes issues for players not even exploiting, then i can’t see at all why you would want to implement this.


this causes issues but that will prevent many beginner exploiters from access of CoreGUI also limiting CoreGUI is stupidness you can check users graphic settings etc. and put an AI into the game which will kick suspicious users I used this method on my games but this requires so much effort also that still can cause false positives so the best way to prevent exploiting is securing your server, CoreGUI will be always accessable and exploiters will always find a way to exploit local scripts, abuse remotes and more. secure your game from bots, noclippers, speed hackers etc… But you will never be able to secure CoreGUI

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They can’t bypass it without dex. That’s why I want to patch it so bad.

Lol. You know exploiters have complete control over their client (computer) right? This includes full control over the bytecode that executes, they’re also able to inject themselves into the environments of their scripts and disable things, hook via metamethods to screw up your check, anything. There’s almost no point in listing the ways.

Point being, the only time you’d need an abstract wrapper like DEX is if you’re inexperienced or trying to do this quickly without much to go on.

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The point they are trying to make is not specifically about bytecode. They are trying to tell you that basically anything on the client can be changed and patches like these are a bad idea. You don’t need to worry about patching an exploit like Dex if your game’s core systems can handle the possibility that anything and everything from the client can be modified.

Say, for example, you’re worried about somebody firing a remote that triggers an event in your game and you don’t want anybody doing that at random unwanted times. If you protect that remote to make sure it will only trigger the event if the conditions are validated, then you’re set.

It’s impossible to get rid of exploiting, so you have to work around it. Plus, it can be easier to not try to patch things like this if you’ve already secured everything else in your game. The point where you shouldn’t implement patches like these is when it has the chance to hinder normal gameplay. Checking memory usage to see if it’s above a given number will not work because it will affect many normal players.


You think that people are lazy just because they haven’t patched Dex, calling it possible. If it were to be possible, then someone would already came up with a patch, posted it everywhere and would already be known to every developer so you wouldn’t have been making this post.


And on top of this, if somebody were to come up with a patch for Dex, I guarantee that people who make it would release another version of it within a week that would completely invalidate the last patch for Dex.

It’s an uphill battle that is best solved by just not worrying about it and focusing on other aspects of security that can be fixed.

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Memory spikes limit can be changed. it make sense over executer, like a player’s log file cant get over 1M+ theese seems like a big number but many hand made exploits write over memory too much and get over the limit that a normal user cant, however that will patch many beginner exploiters. But advanced / skilled exploiters still be able to exoloit the game


Thats what he said, you didn’t even read the who thread lol, he said I was lazy or inexperienced bc I didn’t patch dex. Don’t post if you don’t what you are talking about… and people have patched dex.

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I agree, and I will try my best. Thanks.

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