Anti Tab Script

I want to make a script that detects if the player is floating with the roblox Tab glitch where if you hold right click on the roblox tab at the very top of your screen you start floating

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Here you go, but try to search the forum or google next time you have a question, it’s likely your question was already answered somewhere!

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check if a player is in the air and has not been moving for a certain amount of time

edit: idk why it made me reply to iceeburrs

That is literally what the resource I sent does. There isn’t actually a real way to prevent that, but this is a pretty simple solution that might or might not work. It might just kick lagging people randomly, but you can just adjust the values to make it less strict. The tab glitch as far as I know surpresses client updates on the network which makes you freeze in place, you can also look at this comment under that resource:

I’m not sure what exactly he meant, but from what I understand is that you can set the ownership of the character to the server, so whenever that happens the server will start doing your client’s work for you and that way you won’t be frozen? I got no idea, seems like a very hacky solution, but hey this is Roblox. Common and simple issues here require the dumbest solutions.

so basically my message just simplified everything about the resource you sent

Hey, what I meant with this description was essentially:
The players ping is usually pretty stable, depending on their connection speed and where they’re located. Recording their ping and paying attention to spikes you can change network ownership if it spikes. What decides what is a “spike” or for how long it has to go on for is at the developers discretion. Setting the server as the network owner temporarily allows the character to continue to be rendered as moving, as the character usually is heavily dependent on client input.

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Yeah, basically what I imagined. Thanks for elaborating. That’s a pretty hacky solution, I’m not sure if you can change the ownership of the character, but if you can that would be pretty great.

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