Anticheat Methods

This is not an example, this is just a description of what you are gonna do. Write an example so I can point out what can be detected or not.

these are simple examples that liker gave you. there are many more ways to detect exploiters tampering with global tables. if you want to see an actually good anticheat then check my friend XoifailTheGod’s anticheat out (or you can take a look at my open source anticheat Valkyrie Anti Cheat). if you dont have an executor (i highly doubt you have one) you can just join the discord server and take a look at the “anti-cheat-info” and “anti-cheat-logs” channels

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Not easy to give an example here. As I said, it really depends on the script I’m working with. One script might use the function to return a specific value for their client-sided anti-cheat. Or maybe a method to prevent hooks, depends on the case here.

Oh, I already saw it. Still doesn’t invalidate my points though.
(Took you long enough to reply btw)

It really does not.

Let’s apply all of my methods in one imaginary anticheat script, which is hidden. Try to write a hook which spoofs to make it return “[C]” for one specific function.

what…? the anticheat was never bypassed (same with valkyrie) and probably never will with these temu quality executors. Xoifail has working PoC for detecting every executor on injection except krampus and every executor’s hookmetamethod including krampus.

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I didn’t really give an example of one definitive executor, I’m talking about the possibility of bypass, which is possible with the methods I’ve mentioned above.
Though you’re right, the current executors in this industry can’t even properly bypass Hyperion lol.

there are various ways to detect these bypasses. after a point the exploiter will have to write their own bypasses to these detections instead of relying on hooks, setmetatable, getrenv and lets be real… most exploiters wont get far as they still struggle with bypassing adonis lol…

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the best anticheat:

local plr = game.Players[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name]

while task.wait() do
     while task.wait() do -- nested loop for double protection
        if plr.Speed > 100 or plr.IsExploiting or plr.HackInjected then 

bro :skull::skull::skull::sob::sob: I’m dying

script.Disabled = true task.defer(script.Destroy, script)

do atleast this in the start of the script (op methods!!!)

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Lol. Well, you’re right. After all, once again I’m not really against client-sided anti-cheats like these. They can work pretty well against skids who cannot do anything without browsing v3rmillion lol

Hello rapid please stop leaking top tier sacred anticheat methods given to us by the savior builder man. Thx.

Anyway, Liker, u made very nice topic . I like it.


what’s your favourite onion sir?

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Perhaps the tor one, Very nice and Tasty. Deliciously nutritious !!! 140g of Confidential USA GOV Data!!!

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For certain functions you can do game.Clone and game.clone and they won’t be equivalent.
As for the “returned function” argument, the null byte can help protect against __index hook attacks, where they try to check if the property argument of self is “Clone” (and don’t check if there are null bytes and act accordingly).

A much better way of hooking game.Clone is simply doing hookfunction(game.Clone or game.clone, deter)

I didn’t really read that much of the argument that ensued, so I’m not really sure if this was stated already, but there you have it. :slight_smile:

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