Any advice on this classic roblox build?

I am currently working on a game that is supposed to mimic an old, 2010 or so roblox style, so I have done a couple things like changing the character back to R6 and really making things much more blocky along with using largely studs, but I feel like something is missing, so what do you think could be improved? Lighting is one of my biggest weak points, and so I am trying to improve it as much as I can, but I wanted other opinions on the matter, so do you think it kind of fits the look? Thanks!

Screenshot 2025-01-21 142007


the biggest weakpoint is that modern leaderboard,

gotta go


As in the wins leader board that is a model and appears on the left, or the UI leaderboard on the right?

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the model

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This classic Roblox build looks great! Nice job on it! How long did it take to make? I recommend adding some rocks as decoration. What is this used in?

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I usually adjust the lighting to make the Roblox parts shine. You can achieve this by messing around with ClockTime and GeographicLatitude in the Lighting property.

Looking at the 2007 ROBLOX rendering engine helps too.



I think the need to cover every single surface with studs is unnecessary. In my opinion, the placement of these studs surface should be more thoughtfully considered like LEGO pieces.

How you should view the parts, a snipet from my classic building guide: Roblox - Classic Building Guide

A common misconception is that old ROBLOX was “blocky,” but that’s not the case. They used cylinders, wedges, sphere and older meshes. The bed furniture picture below is from Homestead 2007 contest. You can get the full set from here:


As for your classic style build, there’s room for improvement. This type of build comes off as too simplistic in my POV, there’s need more depth to it.


As such, I take a look at LEGO builds for inspiration and real life references to fill my lack of imagination. Here’s my attempt. It’s also uncopylocked if you’re interested in checking it out: Somewhere - Roblox

Inspiration and reference

Also, I have never seen those fonts back in the old days. It seems overused.

This what ROBLOX CoreGUI used to look like back in 2010. They used Arial font.

These are my honest criticism, speaking as a Roblox player who joined in 2010 on my other account.


Ok, sounds good and thanks for all the feedback! Sorry to respond way late, just seeing this as of today. Will take note on the stud placement and font, was planning to change the font up to something different so now that you remind me I will make sure to do that. Again, thanks so much for the help!