Any help with splitting this script into 2?

Oops, that was probably the nil value. I’ll edit my post. Thanks!

Also I’d recommend on the servers end, using math.abs(rcash); that way you’ll prevent some exploiter from firing the remote using a negative value as you should be subtracting said value from the player’s current total if I’m not misunderstanding the purpose of the cash tool.

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This "if tonumber(setter.Text) and to tonumber(setter.Text) % 1 == 0 and to " is giving me an error.

remote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remote")


This is easier on people’s eyes. And Make sure there is a RemoteEvent inside ReplicatedStorage


I fixed that as well. Sorry

If you’re still having issues, feel free to add me to Team Create and I’ll try and fix it for you (if you want to).

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That would help me out a lot, I will add you right now.

tonumber never errors, why would you pcall it?

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