Any other languages than Lua shouldn't be supported in scripting-support

Because it is a scripting question. Scripting questions belong in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support.

Stack Overflow is not a Roblox-based community so it’s better to ask here because there will be other people with experience that have done what you are trying to do.

They aren’t confusing.

They are not confusing? Then explain what ‘on Roblox platform’ means? Unless you’re writing JS inside Roblox Editor – it is basically against rules.

No it’s not, but Python API requests are same as if you’d request from some Weather website. It’s just different response body; that falls under Python knowledge.

Yes, but scripting on Roblox Platform. That’s why I suggested different sub-category for topics like this, which could be possibly against rules.

But you’re less likely to find someone on Stack Overflow that is a Roblox developer and has done exactly what you are trying to do, than on #help-and-feedback:scripting-support. And I don’t understand your analogy.

Yes, web developing specifically for Roblox.

We don’t need a duplicate category just for the sake of web developers asking web development questions. It’s not like you can’t script in javascript but you can lua.

With this logic everyone that uses Visual Studio Code or another external editor is breaking the rules.

Okay, so this is my last reply here:

I wrote this topic after seeing some posts, which needed help with some other language than Lua.

The problem was, that the topic was not simply for this forum. The question was more likely how to do HTTP request. Even though it is from Roblox’s API – it is not for this Forum. If you have problem with for example some weird response body or something similar – then sure, go ahead and post it. But if you’re asking how to do API Requests with JS, then you should ask somewhere else.

That would be a very general and broad question.

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There’s a difference between on Roblox and for Roblox. This argument is not worth having. The posting guidelines are vague, as has been mentioned in several posts. You’re just being difficult for the sake of being so.


Disagree—that sounds very pedantic for no reason. You make games on Roblox and for Roblox, same thing really. The point is as long as you are requesting help in another language for a project intended for Roblox then it should be allowed.