Any Suggestions on Scripting?

I am working for scripting for 5 years.
Right now, I only know like alot of common functions and stuff.
So im wondering, What should I learn next?
Advanced Services?
Tell me in the comments!


You should learn to create problems that you aren’t currently able to solve, yet aren’t completely out of your grasp. I think it would be cool to do research on the functionalities of script obfuscators, their inner machinations, and then try your hand at creating one. Some other ones might be to create procedural world generation, maybe create a movement AI or make your own data persistence and cloud storage system. If those are too advanced, something like AI behavior trees, or something similar to the ones present in Defaultio’s Lumber Tycoon 2. Personally, what I think the world needs more of are some good RPG-esque combat systems!

But by doing that, it’ll take long and hard to figure out the error.

You could learn some cool stuff from following this roadmap:

You could also try to learn OOP or Object-Oriented-Programming. It’s pretty useful for organization and stuff.

This gives me intersing ideas.

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But the problem is that almost all of them are useless-

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Sorry for the late reply. Have you checked the other sections of the post? There’s a couple ones I find a bit interesting.

It may not for you so yeah